- when you have everything to give up, you have the rest of the world for your taking ~

27 May 2009


My Pelamin

Sudah semakin dekat musim cuti skolah skrang neh and aku pon dah dapat like 5 invitations untuk weekend 30 & 31 Mei alone! Tu blom kire lagi weekend mase Hari Keputeraan Yang DiPertuan Agong lagi.

Musim orang getting hitched nie always reminds me of my own wedding (that was like over 10 months ago, sudah bukan pengantin baru lagi rupenye aku neh). Sebab aku sgt berpuas hati with the works of my wedding consultants (ehe...consultant ke?), I'd like to share them with those looking for ideas for their wedding (or sister's wedding, daughter's wedding, etc.)

I've shared some pointers on my hantaran, and now this is on My pelamin. Aku nye pelamin dulu was designed so that it can serve the following purposes:
  1. As a stage untuk khatam al-quran.

  2. Obviously, utk menepung tawar pengantin for malam berinai & bersanding.

  3. Most importantly, pelamin aku nie mesti sesuai & masuk ngn sme tema2 baju for 4 different occasions (khatam - peach & pink, nikah - cream & gold, berinai - red, bersanding - apple green). So that dalam gambar nanti xdelah nampak pelik. Ehe~

Yup, byk sungguh event nye. Sbbnye ialah aku nie anak & cucu sulung from my mother side. And ibu ku mempunyai sungguh byk idea dan macam2 lah utk wedding aku hari tu. Seb baik aku x agree ngn sessi pakai baju jepun / jawa / omputih n macam2 lagi la. Die nak jugak suruh buat event tuh, tp aku mmg btol2 x minat. :)

Kembali kepada cerita pelamin, this was designed by mak andam aku la. Pakai fresh flower because aku nye believe is 'small things make all the difference'. Kalau nak save budget, pakai lah bunga plastic pon ok je. Tp fresh flower nie die sengal sket, die cepat je nak layu. Haha~ obviously. Aku nye pelamin nie dipasang pada hari khamis, and mase nak kenduri hari sabtu tu dah kna ganti bunganye.

Aku nye pelamin nie dibuat oleh Kimie Sri Andaman yg juga buat aku nye baju (baju nikah, sanding ngn bertandang), dah en kimie juga yg mengandam aku. Kimie ialah sgt berbakat make up kan org yg kulit gelap cam aku neh, xde la nampak putih melepak. Ehe~ Siler visit website Kimie Sri Andaman nie di sini. Kalau nak contact number die, tinggalkan komen nnti aku e-mail kt korg :)

p/s: Kimie penah kena panggilan hangit kat Hot FM. Kesian die, tp aku rase panggilan tu x jadi sgt kot sbb kimie nie cam tak cepat panik :)

1 comment:

This is how i think but you might think otherwise, so let's share that thought!!
Thanks for sharing :)