- when you have everything to give up, you have the rest of the world for your taking ~

13 August 2010

Koeteow Kerang Iman

Aku x penah eja kuey teow camni, tapi sebab kedai nie letak die nye signboard camni so ikut je la kan. Kedai die, kannye kedai aku pon.

Kedai Combine 2

I was my first introduced to koeteow kerang iman nie masa majlis bertandang ke rumah pengantin lelaki waaaaayyyyy baaaccckkk in July 2008. Tengah hari tu kenduri and malam tu En Husband bawak me, parents and adek bradik sme dinner kat cni. Marvellous and fabulous koeteow die.

Seperti dalam gambar di atas tuh, ader dua kedai in the same row that bears the signboard Koeteow Iman. Walaupon ader dua kedai, tp sebenarnye…jeng…jeng…jeng…

ramai orang 2

…semua customer either makan kat luar or dekat kaki lima kedai tu, as seen dlm gambar directly atas ayat nie. Walaupon mase tu like baru je waktu derang bukak kedai, tapi dah ramai orang dah…


Tukang masak die pon masak kat luar. hehehe~ panas kot kalau masak kat dalam. 

In total, aku penah makan kat sini sebanyak 3 kali. First, seperti yang telah diceritakan diatas. Second, masa lepak ngn Abshar. Third time ialah mase gambar nie diambil. Mase nie tapau je and mase nie jugak la the first time aku pegi mase waktu siang around pkol 6.30 pm rasenye. En Husband kate kedai nie bukak like around 5.00 pm and sampai la ke malam2 hari.

Menu aku kt kedai nie either koeteow udang telor atas or koeteow kerang telor atas (walaupon aku x ske kerang, tp aku ske koeteow kerang, tp kerang tu aku tak makan la letak tepi je). Ader macam-macam menu keoteow ader kat sini. Tak caye?? See below. Harga pon ader disitu so boleh la bajet brape ringgit nak bawak. So nnti takde lah x cukup duit. Aku rase kedai nie x terima credit card.


Kalau tetiba korang teringin nak makan Koeteow Kerang Iman nie siler lah ke Alor Star, Kedah. Aku bace blog orang laen derang kate kedai nie terletak kt Jalan Sultanah (aku x tau kedai nie kat mane sbb selama nie husband je yang bawak)

Oh, by the way aku rase koeteow iman nie best eaten kt kedai die je, kalau tapau die ader rase sket off (maybe sbb dah sejuk kot).

Selamat Berpuasa :)

27 July 2010

Duit itu macam…

…kentut. sori kalau korang rase macam x senonoh giler, tp mmg btol pon. Sebab walaupon ader byk duit, tp biler dah start belanje laju je abess. Kadang2 ader la bau yang linger for a while, kadang2 bau pon xde.

Alhamdulillah, since March 2007 aku dah dapat keje and bulan2 dapat lah gaji sendiri. Tapi bapak payah giler nak save duet2 nie sbb every once in a while ader je mende besar yg berlaku yg kna nak kuar duet banyak. Inilah milestone2 yang membuatkan duitku kuar secara besar2an…

2007 March : Start keje!! (tp x bermaksud start dibayar)
2007 May : Paycheck yang pertama!!
2007 Oct : Engagement. Ye, kenduri-kendara nie mmg banyak pakai duit. Walaupon ibu ayah xdelah minta duit aku, tp kalau dah keje takkan tannak hulur2kan sedikit sebanyak kat derang. Dah la majlis sendiri. (kalau x hulur2 tu seres aku cakap x tau malu btol)
2008 July : Gap almost setahun, tapi kenduri kahwin lagi la besar cost nye. Plus the honeymoon. Travelling will continue to be my biggest spendings.
2009 February : Process membeli rumah. Downpayment + segala bagai lawyer fees itu telah menjangkau over RM10 k. Sekian (sebbaek share ngn husband dan juga tq ayah kerana telah membantu sket…haha~) siler lah amek tau walaupon loan umah anda ialah 100%, tp duet anda yg perlu kuar pon agak byk jugak…
2009 February : In the same month, kami telah pegi ke Melbourne. Between us, we spent about Rm 7k, excluding ticket plane (sbb redeem points)
2009 April : Dalam kesesakan, aku still beli laptop baru (kesian en husband aku asyik usung die nye lappie je biler pegi travel). Sbb xde cash, aku amik easy payment scheme yg 12 months tu. Alhamdulillah dah settle.
2009 December : In the height of planning for our next big trip, aku pegi beli handphone idaman (apparently, yg chose to go bonkers already!!)
2010 May : US Trip. Saving for this trip start from balek dari Melbourne. I really2 like travelling tapi costnye mmg menggunung. (ader hati lagi nak pegi KK, pastu Singapore, pastu Turki, in that order..hoho~)
2010 July : Baru sejenak lega bernafas and tot can finally start saving BIG, datanglah sepucuk surat yang kate rumah kami dah siap. Alhamdulillah. Problem is, aku ngn husband nie X PERNAH dok umah sewa ke ape, so mmg TV sendiri pon xde. So, paham2 lah…
2011 Early : InsyaAllah, en/cik muffin that is baking inside me akan lihat the world for the first time around this time. Those cute mittens, bottles, strollers and segala bagai dont exactly come free :)

Dan in between all these ader la gatal2 pegi capai baju-bajan (erk??), kasut2 and handbag. Kelemahan aku nie ialah kalau dah suke mmg aku x peduli harga. Tp nie salah sendiri. Yang list kt atas tu like almost keperluan, except travelling2 tu la kot, but all those travelling open your eyes to the world. Hah, alasan, tp kami ader alasan yg kukuh utk travel :)

Tapi sempat la jugak setiap bulan tu, duit gaji tu barang seposen dua aku dah asingkan siap2 masuk dlm saving and insurance (ini pesan ibu)

Mama pon pesan jugak, rajin2lah duit tu derma kat orang, tak yah nak kedekut and berkira2 sgt. Die kate ikut pengalaman die lah, kalau buat camni insyaAllah biler sesak2 nnti, ader la source2 duit tu tetiba je datang kat kite (bonus ke, hutang lama baru org nak bayar ke, tax return ke). Camtu la.

Ibu pesan lagi, dapat gaji jangan luper bagi kat parents walaupon parents tu bekerja and x nak pon duit korang tu. Point is, alah bisa tegal biasa. Biler dah biasa bagi, akan terus bagi. X kan nak jadi cam dalam news tu sampai parents nak sue anak die sbb tak bagi duit walhal parents die tolong jaga anak die lagi tu.

As always, pesan ayah paling bess. Kalau ada duit beli, kalau xde buat bodoh (buat bodoh ialah xyah beli langsung, bukannye pegi buat credit card baru)

Ibu used to say “Duit tu macam air”, but kentut brings the point home (better, I think).

15 July 2010

Betulkan Jam Anda

Ader orang suke cepatkan jam 5 mins la, 10 mins la. Kalau kat umah ibu, xde satu pon jam yang waktu die same kot. I think ini ialah dgn harapan sme org akan siap nak pegi mana2 (skolah ke, kenduri ke) cepat sket sbb sebenarnye tak tau exactly pkol berape.

So kalau korang nak tau sebenarnye kt Malaysia nie skrang pkol brape, silerlah ke website SIRIM Malaysian Standard Time.

Kat situ die tunjuk la pkol berape skrang and berape accuracy die :) hehe~


Biler aku teringat, aku calibrate la jam kt PC tu to reflect Malaysian Standard Time. Tgklah kat dlm gambar diatas tu, same kan?? :)

13 July 2010

Hari nie saye malas…

…nak keje.

saye dtg opis td saye trus pg scan document2 yg patut discan sejak berdekad-dekad yg lalu utk diupload ke system.

pastu saye selongkar laci sendiri and organize sket document2 tu. dah berzaman2 tak buat.

pastu saye pegi makan buah (opis saye tiap2 hari bekerja around 10.30pm ader buah)

pastu saye pg turun ke parking mgmt office utk mintak season parking. dah dua minggu kot husband soh pegi tanye. ader stock tp saye takde cash la plak, so dtg balik esok. ohh…saye tak based in KLCC, parking kt building saye keje nie slalunye available. Kalau waiting list pon ader harapan. KLCC parking kalau saye letak nama skrang, saye pencen blom tentu lg dapat season parking kot (rumor has it that KLCC Parking mgmt tak bagi letak name kat waiting list pon sbb dah panjang sgt kot)

in between all these, saya balas e-mail and hantar e-mail ape2 yg patut. Tak baek buat org tertunggu2 :) hehe~

skrang dah pkol 11.16 am. kejap lg lunch. ptg nie ader discussion

saye baru nk bukak organizer nak tengok what exactly saye patut buat hari nie…

camni la saye kalau saye malas nak buat keje saye yg sepatutnye…

08 June 2010

Nenek and Me…

Nenek sleepover kat umah my parents last week sbb die tengah redo lantai kat umah die.

Aku baru balik keje masa tu, and skali nampak nenek ader kat dapur. I was like, ehh…nenek ader kat cni. Aku pon pg lah salam nenek and soh husband pg jumpe nenek skali. Pastu aku pegi lah tolong ibu kt dapur. Sambil2 tu en husband borak2 lah ngn nenek.

Like 5 mins after that aku pon jenguk la ape la yg husband borakkan ngn nenek tuh. Skali mase aku jenguk je, husband aku baru je blah dr duduk with nenek and nenek pon cakap la to me…

Nenek : Buatlah air utk faiz tu, die baru je balik keje…

Me       : (In auto response mode) Saye pon baru balik keje nek.

Ngeh. Aku mmg mcm tu. Dlm kepala aku ader lg mcm2 response (one of them includes takde sape pon buat air utk saye). Tapi seb baek simpan je that thought dlm kepala.

Truth is, I see it this way, I just got back from work, he just got back from work, kalau nak air marilah kite buat same2 and minum same2.

Nenek came from the ice age where women stayed home and men worked. So fair la kalau en husband balik nak hidang air ke ape.

And the reality is that Ibu dah siap buat hot tea pon. Hah~

22 April 2010


I took this dari Soraya nye blog. Die kate “This tag is open for everyone”, so because i’m so excited yang keje2 kat ofis nie makin nampak way forwardnye and more manageable (selagi En Ben tak kaco aku la kot, die nampak excited semacam hari nie, maksudnye sat lagi die kaco aku la tu), so aku pon buat la!!

Here Goes!

+BOLD the statements that ARE true to you.
+ITALICIZE the statements that you WISH were true.
+Leave the fibs alone.
+Then, tag 5 people to do the same test. (Tak yah la nie)

170cm tall.
•I don’t know what I want at the moment.
•I’m not happy.
•I hate my friends.
•I hate my life.
•I hate my grades.
•I can drive.
•I’m bored of driving.
•I love dancing.
•I go clubbing every week.
•Shopping is bullshit.
•I have a tattoo of a star.
•I got my navel pierced.
•I have friends that take drugs.
•90% of my friends smoke.
•I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty.
•I'm studying Fashion.
•I have a business running.
•I hate cartoons.
•I hate someone.
•I have 10 Lollipops handbags.
•I buy CLEO every month.
•My parents don’t know about my blog.
•I have an iPod.
•I don’t have faith in the current “one”.
•My school mates know about my FB.
•I wanted to be a fashion designer.
•I love rock emo bands.
•I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
•My parents have faith in me.
•I’ve bought shoes this month.
•A blogger bitched about me before.
•I hate sports.
•I heart Italian food.
•I hate meeting new people.
•I hate nail polish.
•The mother bear gives me hugs.
•People should start appreciating me.
•High school was the worst time of my life.
•I have red hair.
•One Utama is my second home.
•I’m a guy.
•I’m scared of my Biology result exam which I’m going to face someday tomorrow.
•I hate vacations.
•We’ll last :)
•I believe in long distance relationships.
•I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
•I’ve robbed an old lady.
•I’m starting to like applying make-up.
•I was a tomboy.
•At times I think I still am a tomboy.
•I love bitching about people behind their backs
•I still have a best friend.
•I have a cat.
•I hate surprise parties.
•I hate planning parties.
•I’m hot
•I’m a sinner.
•I’ve got a DS light.
•I have a Wii.
•I cant live without music.
•Video games are a waste of time.
•I miss the father bear.
•I love being in love.
•I know how to cook.
•Boys are assholes.
•I hate Math.
•I’m happy with what I have.
•I love horror films.
•I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid.
•My old friends keep in touch with me.
•I don't read newspapers.
•The news is such a waste of time.
•Blogging is a waste of time.
•I hate animals.
•I can't live without make-up
•I curse like a pirate.
•I’m happy with my 11 year old car.
•I hate people that are smart.
•I love Orange juice.
•I can’t drink for nuts.
•I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
•I’ve got a new phone.
•I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
•I love swimming.
•I haven’t worked out since March.
•I think I’m fat
•I love my friends and family

Try la if you have nothing to do too!

16 April 2010

Flabby Arms No More

Size 25 pants, check. Size S tops, check. Oops, tp ader masalah sket lah with my size S tops tu, sbb slalu ketat kat lengan. I dont know why, tp kalau badan aku naek sket, mesti kt lengan yg naek dulu.

Skali tadi mase tgh surfing on Shine from Yahoo! (aku subscribe to this site sbb byk sgt mende yg menarik minat aku) skali jumpe plak video nie, 5 tips to celebrity arms.

One of the reason aku letak video nie kat sini, sbb aku berusaha nak cube have more toned and scupltured arms without the bulky factor. For a while now, aku ader gak terpk2 bwk dumbbell pg office. Hahaha~ bersemangat x??

I’m wishing myself good luck utk try exercise nie and kalau ader results nnti aku share. Kalau xde, I sit quiet2 la ek. Hahhaa~ Sape2 nak try pon siler lah. Nnti bley la kite sharing2.