- when you have everything to give up, you have the rest of the world for your taking ~

20 March 2010

2nd Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta

We missed the first one last year, so this year mase first2 iklan die kuar in January, aku dah soh husband letak reminder dalam handphone so that kitorg tak lupe. Actually, terlupe jugak sampai la ternampak iklan die again earlier this week.

The 2nd Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta is from 18 March – 21 March 2010 at Precint 2, Putrajaya. Kalau nak tau kat mane, nie kat area government offices tu, and as of petang tadi mmg la sgt teruk traffic nye and tersangat ramailah orang disitu.

DSC00819-horz Ramai ke tak orang?

Kitorang (husband, myself and nur) bertolak dari Kajang around 5.10 pm camtu la, sampai kt precint tu siap ngn parking keta skali pkol 6.00 pm tau! Sgt la tak tau nak parking kat mane, at least they allow to park at road side to takde la susah sgt nak park.

Mase otw, a friend of mine, si Jie tu, message and bgtau die baru je blah dari tgk belon nie and ckp sgt lah ramai orang and mase die nak blah tu baru ader satu je belon tu pon baru je nak naek. Luckily, when we were there all the balloons dah start berterbangan. I was like soo excited, x tau cane nak kate. So, dapatlah amek gambar2 hot air balloon yg tgh terbang and baru nak naik.


So, to those yg plan nak pegi esok, either pegi early in the morning around 8.00 am or in the afternoon around 5.30pm. Kalau lambat sgt nnti takde balloon nak tgk plak, kalau pegi tgh hari balloon tu dok kt darat je plak. Anyway, ape2 pon check their official website first. Tp kalau datang xde balloon, ader banyak activity laen and ader booth utk dilawati (but then, org pegi nak tgk hot air balloon la kot, kalau stakat nak pg booth2 je, kat aku nye convo dulu pon ader byk booth).

To mereka yg ske amek gambar plak, mmg sgt bess nak amek pics kot. Siler lah bwk kamera2 besar anda itu :). My pics above amek pakai camera hp Sony Ericsson C903 5 megapixel aku je. Ehe~

Insyaallah, esok pegi Pesta Buku kat PWTC plak.

p/s: kt dalam newspaper tunjuk ader hot air balloon bentuk Darth Vader, tp td kitorg pegi xde pon :(


  1. tersangat la jeles...aku balik kg attend wedding...even dah plan nk gi tgk hot air ballon ttuh.. =(

  2. ehe~ tahun depan ader lagi kot...


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