- when you have everything to give up, you have the rest of the world for your taking ~

07 February 2010

Selangor Says NO to Plastic!!!


I know that it is like old news, but now every Saturday beginning Jan 2010, is no plastic bag day in Selangor (tolong jangan confuse kat mana Selangor and kt mana KL). Ader jugak shops kt KL yg implement this, mcm Cold Storage at KLCC yang telah declare bahawa their outlet will not give plastic bags on Thursday (kalau x salah) and Saturday (definitely) unless you want to pay 20 sen per plastic bag.

Actually, I was not aware at all pon about this, skali tu pg Jusco on 9 Jan 2010 (that happens to be a Saturday) skali nampak la poster di atas neh. I was so excited, cam wahhhh tak sangka ader campaign like this. Tapi sebab kitorg tak tau, so terpaksa la beli barang2 kat supermarket tu, letak sme dlm trolley and then bawak trolley pg kt parking, letak plak dlm keta cenggitu je. Selekeh giler.

The second time, we bring our own bag (actually pau ibu nye shopping bag, ehe~). So proudly masa bayar, aku letak all my purchase dlm bag sendiri. Kesian ader these guys ahead of us in the queue yg x bawak plastic bag sendiri, that day kalau korg tak bawak plastic bag, bayar 20 sen pon die x nak bagi. Unless, beli the supermarket nye shopping bag. This company cam cube buat extra profit la plak out of a good cause. Pastu guys nie dah la beli ikan sme, so cam yucks la plak kalau nak angkat takde plastic. So derang pon beli la.

So, to those in the know, after this kalau shopping kt Selangor on Saturday, bawak lah shopping bag sendiri ye. Yang baru tahu, well now you know :) Alahai, bawak je plastic bag bese banyak2, simpan dalam poket. Lagipon skrang nie byk kedai yg fancy2 bagi carrier bag yg cam kaen tu. That one is sooooo sesuai dan bley digunakan berulang kali.

Tapi aku rase hanye big shops and supermarket je yg buat kot. I think kedai mamak kat sungai kantan tu buat cam bese je. Hrmm…tp x tau la. Anyway, kalau ader shops tak implement pon, bawak je la shopping bag sendiri and letak sme kat dlm. Kalau lama2 terbiasa la. After all, practice makes perfect :)


  1. aku wat housekeeping smlm kt bilik..bnyk giler plastic bag dari bermacam2 source..

    loundry bag, jusco, giant, watson, guardian, 7elevent, plastic medicine, plastic nasik bungkus, plastic kedai runcit, plastic itu iini..

    abes penuh tmpt taruk plastic yg bli kt ikea tuh..

    p/s: aku ade gmbo kucing chomel kt blog lg satukk..


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