- when you have everything to give up, you have the rest of the world for your taking ~

04 January 2010

b’yyu spa

DSC00587 On 31 December 2009 hari tu, myself and Miss Eil decided to treat ourselves to a spa day!! (actually, a 2 hours ++ spa je pon, xde la sampai sehari). We were introduced to b’yyu spa by our office mate, si Sarah itu. She was like, spa nie bess die ader cam longkang kecik2 and ader air. So, we all pon google la this place, called the place and set up an appointment for two.

b’yyu spa nie ader dua cawangan, satu kt Sri Hartamas and the other one at Shah Alam. Me and Eil went to the one kt Shah Alam (sbb Sarah pegi this one and die suggest yg nie la), and yang kat Shah Alam nie dipanggil Villamay.

We were both on leave on the 31 tu (ye lah, nak mengabesskan cuti, cuti yg seciput tu pon payah nak abess, siap carry forward lagi). Aku bertolak dari Kajang around pkol 10.40 am, pegi amik Miss Eil kt Wangsa Maju and then straight to Shah Alam. Our appointment was at 1.00 pm. Aku tak tau cane nak pg umah Eil, so die lukiskan lah map. Eil mmg ske lukis map kot, nie map yg kedua die lukiskan utk aku. Selain drpd itu aku slalu jugak nampak die lukis map utk org laen (dan dirinye sendiri). Ehe~


Kitorg sampai Shah Alam like 3 – 4 mins before 1.00 pm. Bapak jam hari tu!! Jangan tensi2, spa is supposed to be relaxing~

Sampai2 je, me and Eil was like wahhhhhh~ at the Villamay. Deco nye mmg sgt cantik and calming. The pics below are of the reception area

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Sampai2 je, receptionist tu bg us a welcome drink (which is teh gandum), eil ske rasenye tp aku x ske sgt. After that, derang confirmkan treatment yg we wanted to do that day which is Body Scrub (RM 215) and Back Massage (RM 45). So total is RM 260 la, tp they have promotion which is 25% for all treatment so kitorg dapat la RM 195 per person. Ok lah tuh sbb aku and eil dah bajet maksimum RM 200 per person. Promotion nie sampai 3 Jan 2010 je sempena Y.E.S la kot.

We both chose avocado scrub for our Body Scrub Treatment and Eil pilih lavender oil utk massage, foot bath and flower bath while I picked citrus oil. Org tuh bgtau lavender ialah utk relaxing and most ppl pakai lavender akan tidur mase treatment while citrus ialah like menyegarkan (padahal bagus nye aku zzz mase treatment tu).

Aku and Eil both thought that we will be in the same room, rupenye tidak. Kami telah dibawa ke bilik yg berasingan. And I have this indonesian lady, called Ribut yg akan membuat treatment for me. Aku tanye die kenapa nama die Ribut, die cakap “Ya cik dira, nama saya agak pelik” or something like that. Eil lupe nak tanye nama org yg bg die treatment.

Treatment nye bermula dgn foot bath. Pastu steam bath (i’m not sure for how long, tp die kate kalau tak tahan bley kuar anytime but obviously aku tahan sbb cik Ribut yg panggil aku kuar, ehe~). After that die buat body scrub, pastu die soh shower bersihkan scrub tu, then die soh mandi bunga dlm tub and last2 die urut. Camnilah turutannye.


Inilah suasananye dalam treatment room tu. Mmg sgt bess sbb shower, bath sme ialah utk diri sendiri je tak yah share2. Sgt bess!

Villamay nie jugak ada surau which make it easy for org yg dtg jauh2 dr kajang cam aku nie nak solat. Takde lah pastu rushing2 nak singgah sumwhere utk solat.

Even deco dalam bathroom nye is to die for. Sgt cantik!


Pengalaman kami here mmg priceless. Service die best, treatment die lagi best and yg paling best is the environment. It relaxes you. It is a bit pricey, tp you definitely know and get what you are paying for.

Definitely going again (biler tu ialah biler ader duet yg terlebey2). Ehe~

22, Jalan Baiduri 7/1B,
Seksyen 7, Shah Alam,
40000 Selangor
Tel : (03) 5510 4433 or (03) 5519 3899
Facebook: B’yyu Spa


  1. hahaha ...
    rm 200 ialah untuk makanan dafeey sahaja untuk sebulan ... camne nak cut untuk gi spa ?

  2. tudiiiaaa...duit terlebey2 katanyer...

    mane gmbar2 tengah mem'spa'kan diri????

    siap lukis peta tuhhh~ yana mmg classss~~

  3. ina: hoh~ kalau tuan tak happy cane kucen nak happy? ehe~

    pitya: masa spa ialah relax, x pk nak amik2 gambar neh :p eil mmg class!

  4. Spa kat bukit bintang pun banyak kot...tapi Spa lain la kot?

  5. kak long , try jentayu spa shiela majid punyer.. krina pergi yg kat gak..siap mandi dlm cam cam bath tub weyh..try la..die ader promotion if pergi tgh2 bulan.. harga cam dlm 150 bleyh dpt dah.. -krina

  6. wow, i like your simple illustration about the spa. so calming already! kenapa tak buat massage? i nak try la nanti hujung bulan. hehe

  7. krina: siler lah try. tis is the one yg org ckp mase awak ngn mama cbok2 nak pegi spa weekend hari tu.


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