- when you have everything to give up, you have the rest of the world for your taking ~

02 January 2010

Enter 2010

There were many, many celebrations great and small to welcome the new year. Huh~ does it needs welcoming? Xyah celebrate ape2 pon, even kalau di halau2 pon tahun baru akan tetap akan datang secara naturally whether you like it or not and tak kire la kalendar ape yg korang guna utk menghitung hari.

But the new year is a good milestone to sit back and look back at who you were and who you have become. And for those yg actually ader resolutions, bley la tgk whether you have achieved your resolutions or not. Sape yg azam nye to quit smoking and does quit, tahniah. Sape yg target nak dapat dean list and dapat, tahniah juga. Nie contoh2 je, maybe resolutions korg lain kot.

Basically, I believe mende resolutions nie ialah us trying to be a better person and we are using the new year as a milestone. Ye lah, kalau kite buat azam like “ohh…in 7 months nak lose 7 kgs la!!” pastu in 7 months kite was like “ohhh….dah 7 bulan rupenye, x pasan pon, bertambah 7 kg ader la” kan baek kalau buat azam “by new year 2010, i’m losing 7 kgs!!!” gerenti tak miss nye la sbb sme org heboh and kecoh pasal tahun baru nie.

I quit doing new year resolutions since high school and what I do is that I do my best and work at making myself a better person everyday. Jadi lebey penyabar (ye, aku mmg x sabar) and kurang cranky (kalau lapar & ngantuk lagi xtra cranky), insyaAllah. Disebabkan I dont have resolutions, I have NADDIE MUST BUYS list instead!!! Nie stuff that I have to absolutely spend on that year whatever happens. Korg bley nampak list nie kat side bar at the left of this blog. So, memandangkan dah tahun baru 2010, let’s check out the NADDIE MUST BUYS  2009 list and see what has happened!!!

N A D D I E  M U S T  B U Y S  I N  2 0 0 9

1. Laptop - xde preference lagi, nak yang colour2 la tapi. - beli sudaa!! Dell Studio 14" in Red, I named her Ms.Jolie (kna eja exactly camni tau!)


2. HP - impian adalah Sony Ericsson Experia X1, tp skrang seres aku dah malas nak layan. Tp kna beli gak, phone aku skrang nie dah outdated btol, i wanna surf the net with hp oke!! – akhirnye dah beli jugak, Sony Ericsson C903 in Glamour Red. I’ve been using the same hp for the last 5 years and skrang baru ader penggantinye. Ohhh tu pon susah nak decide tau sbb bukannye mudah untukku jatuh cinta (walaupon dgn handphone sahaja)


3. Pair of Eye-Glasses - kerana aku sudah semakin buta & silau. - doktor tak advise. die kate power sket sgt, kalau pakai spec nnti lg teruk. die kate kalau rase cam rabun2 sket tu pg rehatkan mata by napping for 10 mins atau tgk mende2 ijau~

4. Ganti tayar keta MyVi Gold itu yg supposed to expire by Sept 09. Ini bukan kemahuan tapi keperluan. Mau RM 1k abess tu - rupenye RM 850 sahaja termasuk alignment, ganti brake disk, etc, etc. Tu pon share half2 with hubby. Oke la tu~

Alhamdulillah, sme mende2 yg ditarget to spend on telah dibeli. List untuk year 2010 is coming soon, budget la byk mende2 utk masuk rumah baru (ye lah, selama nie tak penah dok umah sendiri, langsung takde barang sendiri) and perhaps a designer handbag (read Gucci yg aku nampak kt KLCC tu, leather in light brown)

With this I welcome 2010…


This is how i think but you might think otherwise, so let's share that thought!!
Thanks for sharing :)