- when you have everything to give up, you have the rest of the world for your taking ~

25 November 2009

Are You Sleepy???

Pitya e-mailed me an article bout “WHAT REALLY KILLED RANJAN DAS ( 42 ), FORMER CEO OF SAP INDIA?”. Apparently, from this article, this guy is very health conscious tp die died of heart attack. Why ya?? Article nie explain, perhaps because lack of sleep.

I am not going to dwell about Mr Ranjan Das but I’m gonna ask instead, are we getting enough sleep??

That same article mentioned about Epworth Sleepiness Scale. So, I googled it up, clicked the first result and tadaaa~ I got this!!

So friends, take this test and assess whether you are sleeping enough. Kalau tak cukup, tambah je la your sleeping hours itu. After all, tidur itu kan bess…


Measure yourself on the situation below based on the scale provided. Based on recent times tau and kalau recently cam x penah in this situation, bayangkanlah kalau you are in that situation and how you will react.




Sitting and Reading

Watching TV

Sitting inactive in a public place (e.g a theater or a meeting)

As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break

Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit

Sitting and talking to someone

Sitting quietly after a lunch without alcohol

In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic


Scale nye plak ialah seperti dibawah…

0 No chance of dozing
1 Slight chance of dozing
2 Moderate chance of dozing
3 High chance of dozing
Kemudian add up your score, your total score defines whether korg zzz enough or not. Compare your score with the table di bawah,
0-6 You are getting enough sleep!!! Yeay
7-9 Average
9 and above Seek sleep specialist advice without delay
My score is 6. Yeay!!! aku mmg rase aku zzz cukup pon. What’s yours??
picture 005

Tengok lah gambar kt atas neh. Si Lolly tdo tak ingat punye la. Bagus jadi kucen nie, kalau die tak merayap or makan, die layan zzzz.


  1. bagus gak article aku tuh..skng aku dah jadi mcm yuti yut2..senang tido dimana2...even dlm kete nk balik kg mse stop kt rnr~ hoho

  2. haha~ aku dgr eil citer korg layan zzz baek punye mase nak balek kedah hari tu. tu la tak sabar2 sgt nak balek pas keje jugak. hikhikhik

  3. pasni buleh la gi lewat opis, sebab nak cukopkan tido. ahaks


This is how i think but you might think otherwise, so let's share that thought!!
Thanks for sharing :)