- when you have everything to give up, you have the rest of the world for your taking ~

24 August 2009

I Loike to Shop!!!

My employer is sungguh baek hati because they allow us to go back at 4.00 pm in Ramadhan. KL nie kan very the heavy traffic you know. Kalau bulan ramadhan nie, stok2 sme org nak balik umah 5.00 pm on the dot, kalo balik pkol 5.00 pm tu mmg jam la. Balik pkol 4.00 pm ialah dgn syarat masuk keje an hour early or work through lunch. Camne company nak check? Sendiri mau amanah la~

So, sbb balik pkol 4.00 pm, I pon decided la utk pg shopping items yg telah dilistkan sejak about 2 weeks ago. Dan hari nie telah decide utk menggunakan CASH TERM ONLY dan tidak menggunakan MAGIC CARD (as Nur put it or others would call it credit card) yang magic nye hanya effective pada bulan ini sahaja kerana apabila bill nye dtg bulan depan magicnye pon ilang.

I pon went lah for a shopping free menggunakan cash and telah bought the following things (in this order)

Loose Powder



Bobbi Brown Face Powder at ISetan (I have member card, so walaupon tak de discount, I got points!! Nanti2 ISetan bg la voucher, ehe)







T-Shirt utk kazen mazen. This ader 50% discount, so dua2 is RM 64, also kat Isetan.




 Blusher Brush


Blusher Brush kt Body Shop. Damm mahal tp kadang2 aku malas nak pk. I’m using Body Shop nye Foundation Brush, oke aje, so pakai la Blusher Brush die plak :)






Purple blouse nie dah try since Jumaat lepas but tak sempat beli. Skali ader stock lagi la plak. So, masuk je G2000, amik size 34 and bayar. Done!






Splashproof Lash Mascara from M.A.C. Mascara nie pon already tested by me. I like it very much because die x clump, die adalah waterproof and die curl & lengthen lashes very effectively without being overdramatic. The last one tahan almost 2 years baru abess, so berbaloi la RM 52 aku.


In total, I’ve spent exactly RM 333.00. Kalau x caye, siler lah kire sendiri.

p/s: Esok sahur makan ikan masak kicap + sayur bayam goreng with bawang putih, bilis and carrot + sambal bilis (favret). Selamat berpuase~


  1. perghh~!~!! baju untuk aku takdo ke..aku kan size xs or m jek~ hahah

  2. oii .. gi shopping je ... balik masak la oii .. untuk hubby ko ....

  3. ewahhhewahhh.. macek ni dah g shopping upenye!! syiokkk nyeeeee...

  4. ehhh.. aku ade kat s'pore ke? hehehee.. magic..

  5. caiyok caiyok.. ehehe

    salam ramadhan akak nad ittewww

  6. apis: ko same size XS ngn aku ek. tak sangka la plak. aku tgh tgk episode 5 citer baby tu. comel la baby tuh.

    ina: x nampak ke p/s tuh? aku tak masak utk buka la, sahur aje :)

    eil: ko berada di atas kapal di hulu. hoho~

    en_me: salam ramadhan buat anda juge~

  7. WOIYH. hair straitener mane haaa ?

    wekkk, ur 4th sistaa :b

  8. nad......eyeliner maner best, yg waterproof...
    sbb my gf nyer dah nak abis

  9. Sanjeev, aku ske pakai liquid eyeliner from Bodyshop. RM39 rasenye. I dont like pencil eyeliner. tak tau la apsal... :)


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